About Me

Artist Statement

In the last few years I have been involved in making new paintings in reference to our environment, and my involvement to make it better.
The attempt to convey serious of works showing our changing environment is very intriguing and challenging anyone’s who cares about our environment and the planet.

I try to show the decay process of our landscapes and in some works there are some incredible harsh futuristic scenario.

In one of my works “demolishing forest” I try to show the crumbling forest and struggle  between the habited nature and the machine. the animal and the forest Marge each other, it’s a dying forest.
I wanted to show the contrast between the machine and nature ,I have always thought the human should be part of the nature and not against it.
So I got this painting done named “SOS” when I had the urge to use the voice of the bears thus I created a shape of SOS from bears looking up for sanctuary.

Water pollution, melting ice, burning forest, the food industry, using oil etc. 
All part of my new works describe a huge threat to the animals and the human beings.

I have always liked colors even though I am partly color blinded but I was lucky enough to discover an old technique named egg tempera. The technique is very complex, it requires from me to know the anatomy of the object I paint, then I glaze the painting with an incredible scale and variety of colors.
I swim between fantasy and reality. I have always liked the contrast between the real and the unreal. The world of pain and hope.
At the end of my process I try to portray some solutions for the human condition in regarding to our next generation future such as new nuclear energy which produce less pollution, A different eating culture for a healthier life for us and for the planet in one,Planting new forests and preserving existing forests to save us from the desertification process etc.
Lastly, I would like to see us living next to nature and not abusing it.

I hope to show to people around with my works, that there is another way to exist together with our planet.